


澄清霸凌的觀念之後進行課堂上分組,每班分成十組選出小組長。發下學習單,實際進行上課之前先檢查學生在上課之前先行完成學習單上的預習作業Crossword Puzzle(WS1),先做預習的動作,老師檢查,之後引起動機部份藉由短片引起學生對於網路霸凌議題的關注,並且了解問題的嚴重性。






1.   Have you ever been bullied?

2.   When were you bullied?

3.   What kind of bullying was it?

4.   Where did the bullying happen?

5.   Who did you tell that you were being bullied?

6.   What happened then?

7.       What else did you do about being bullied?

8.       If you have been bullied and you told someone. What did they do that was helpful?

9.       If you have been bullied and you told someone. What would you like them to have done differently?

10.     Do you know about any anti-bullying policy in this school?

11.     Do you think what this school does about bullying is working?

12.     What else do you think your school could do to stop bullying?

13.     Is there anything else you want to tell us about bullying?


老師聽完各組分享之後總結,同時帶出網路霸凌的定義。 參考定義

1.   “Cyber bullying is the use of digital technologies with an intend to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass, or abuse somebody.”

(www. ditchthelabel. org)

 2. “Cyber bullying is using electronic means by a child, preteen, or teen to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise target another child, preteen, or teen.”

(www. stopcyberbullying. org)

