





1. To stop cyber bullying, we just need to turn off the computer or cell phone.

(X:  關掉手機或相關網站長期來說治標不治本,網路上的言論並不會因為關掉手機就因此停止散播,對受霸凌者的傷害並不會因此減輕。)

2. Cyber bullying can reach a larger audience. (O)

3. Everyone knows what cyber bullying is. (X)

4. Some cyber bullies my not be aware of the results or

consequences of their behavior. (O)

5. Sending unkind and threatening messages is an action of cyber bullying. (O)

6. Cyber bullying causes suicide. (X: 雖然有個案以結束生命的方式來面對網路霸凌,但並沒有直接關係。較嚴重的個案中有些同時遭受心理上的困擾,如憂鬱症等。)

7. Creating web sites that have stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes teasing others is not a form of cyber bullying. (X)

8. Cyber bullying occurs more often than traditional bullying. (X)

9. Young people are found to be twice as likely to be bullied on Facebook than on any other social network. (O)

10. New research shows that young males and females are equally at risk. (O)




1.  Do not share your personal information in cyberspace, especially photos and videos of yourself.

2. Never share your password with anyone except a trusted adult, no matter how close of a friend they are.

3. Never respond to a cyber bully and do not believe everything that is posted online.

4. Never send impulsive messages when you are angry or bored. You could end up saying something that you will regret later.

5. Tell a trusted adult about any cyber bullying and report it to authorities.

6. Save emails or other evidence of cyber bullying for when you report it.

